SketchCrawls are world wide drawing marathons, all held on the same day! People interested in sketching and drawing gather to share and learn from each other's observations and art techniques. SketchCrawls are free and open to all who like to sketch, draw, or paint. Beginners and professionals are both welcomed! Some sketches may be posted on the SketchCrawl
website for sharing with other world wide sketchers.
This Saturday, October 25, 2008, World Wide SketchCrawl #20 will be held in Kailua town for observing, sketching and/or painting. Sketchers should gather approximately 10:25 AM at Kailua Zippys, 44 Oneawa Street (
map). Gather in Kailua town, for sharing of the day's sketchbooks, drawings, observations and techniques. Share stories and learn about the community, and have lunch together.
Mark Norseth will join us for the Kailua portion of the crawl. Mark has offered to speak about drawing!
Also, for those interested, John and Min will be busing in from downtown at: 10:00 AM at Corner Alakea and Hotel Street downtown to catch the #56 from Honolulu to Kailua (The same Bus (#56) leaves Ala Moana Center on Kona Street at 9:45 AM.) Catch the same Bus #56 returning to downtown Honolulu in the afternoon.
Drawing, painting, marking tool and paper/canvas of your choice
Sun protection recommended!
Bus fare (if riding the Bus)
Home Lunch and/or lunch money for purchasing lunchSites of interest:
20th World Wide Sketch Crawl:
Sketch Crawl Kailua-Hawaii-USA:
Mark Norseth's website:
Star-Bulletin Article:
Plus, a cool website to inspire!